Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Wagon

I assumed that grad school would inspire me to write on my blog a lot and any prediction made the first week would be hasty, but at this point, I'm not so sure. They're giving me a lot of stuff to do. But if its any consolation for you, know that I have enjoyed spending the last few days reading Hemingway, Updike, and Chekhov. That's right friends, I am loving, reading Dead White Men. Some of those dudes are brilliant and I say bring them on.

Yes the stereotypes are true, all the boys in my lit class really do have big boners for James Joyce. But who cares? If sitting through 10-20 minutes of their wanking is necessary for me to get this education I don't mind. You know why? Cause right now, I'm getting paid to read and think. Yesterday I sat in a chair across from strangers and read for hours in the Emerson library and that was me bring productive. Did I mention I love grad school so far? Cause I do.

I can't wait for next week in my lit class. One of the conundrums the professor already threw at us was "...sometimes Chekhov's writing wasn't always Chekhovian."



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You're an ivory tower elitist!

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