Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Back in Black

I am happily back in SF after many, many delays in my travel. However, even though there was trouble and set backs every step of the way, I somehow emerged from the airport just as my dear friend and housemate Ethan was pulling up at the curb to pick me up at 1am. I was so happy when I got off the plane I was skipping and dancing through the airport. My trip was excellent, but I am really happy to be home; especially to see my sweet kitty Finn and to listen to my ipod. Amy Winehouse and I have been apart for far too long. To my roommate's chagrin, I put her on immediately this morning. I get a little obsessive about things and will usually play music over and over for months and then never listen to it again. I'm not saying it's the best way, but it's my way.

On my lunch break I ran out to pick up my copy of Harry Potter that I had preordered. While preparing to board the plane, some older man asked a woman holding the book how it ended. I wanted to leap through the air and shake him. You Don't Ask That. I mean you really just don't ask that kind of question in public, its rude. It's worse than rude, it's practically evil. I began to freak out and think that I was going to have to walk around San Francisco with cotton stuffed into my ears for the next week until I finish reading it. I want to savor this one because it's the end.

I wrote the above yesterday. Today I am sad to report that I read a horrible interview with Amy Winehouse in Interview magazine where she refers to herself as dumb and says that
she would rather be with her husband than do anything else in the world including preform. She says this is because she has no ambition as an artist, not because she has buckets of internalized sexism to work through. The self-deprecation has soured me on her music a little. Not intelligent? Her songs are awesome, and she wrote them. That's a lot more than many artists, and when do you ever hear successful male musicians put down their intellect? Oh just about never, that's when. I am quite disappointed in her.

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