Monday, July 23, 2007

Cola de Gato

Back in the same internet cafe waiting for the bus to take us away from the boring little hemlet of Xpujil. We stayed the night in more rustic cabanas that were apart of a nicer hotel. It felt like summer camp when we went to sleep under the tent of mosquito netting. There wasn´t time to see ruins yesterday because it started pouring just a little bit after we got here and basically didn´t stop. It is supposed to be monsoon season, so what can you do?

We are in the campo and I did have the opportunity to take a walk to the outskirts of town before the storm and get some nice pictures. Most people have different farm animals living on their property and the best thing I saw was ducks quacking in some muddy water with puppies scavening for food next to them and a rooster clucking along on the other side of the bank. It was so cute, so many animals playing together at once! I had never seen such a thing. There were also a family of pigs I stopped to take a picture of, but I don´t think the mom appreciated me because she came after me with her little porkos following. Whatever to them though, I found two little baby black pigs further down the road who were happy to be my subjects.

We ran into a gringo family staying at the hotel, a mom and two kids, who asked if we were from the Bay Area and said we looked "Bay Area" which amused us. They are from Oakland and the mom is a teacher in Fruitvale so that was a funny coincidence. I found them later calling their "other mom" on the phone and it was a happy discovery that they are a little gay family (which is probably why they looked so happy to see me and Julie). The kids were really cute and sweet too.

This morning it was pouring buckets but I decided to brave the rain and go see the nearest ruins, La Cola de Gato, (Cat´s Jaws), which was just a little up the road. There were three buildings and I got to climb all over them which was fun. They weren´t super big but the surrounding forest/jungle was really pretty and actually kind of reminded me of Vermont. Alledgedly this is part of a protected biosphere region and there are supposed to be jaguars somewhere but I certainly didn´t see any. Our bus leaves soon for Campiche and I am looking forward to moving on to bigger and better sights.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

ooh, jaguars! better not wear your bacon pants. or your bologna bra.

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