Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Gay Sex, Anyone?

Last night I finally saw Milk, and although I could not find any sign of my friends or myself in the crowd scenes, it was a really good movie. I feel grateful to Gus Van Sant for making an educational mainstream film with political content. Way to rep us proud, homo.

Participating as an extra was anti-climaxtic and made me dubious about the final product. I just wasn't that jazzed standing in the cold watching Sean Penn call the gay to action with his silly little haircut. But the weasel was mistaken dear friends, because Sean is freaking amazing as Harvey Milk. Seriously. Does anyone remember when he dated Madonna and beat up reporters? I totally thought he was a major meat head. Then came his intense performance in Dead Man Walking, but I was willing to chalk that up to luck until he directed Into the Wild. When I heard his little buddy, Emil Hersh, had been cast in Milk I knew they had a special connection, and thought that perhaps Sean and I could too. It's official as of last night, Sean Penn is my boy. And he and Emil Hersh are in man love (I am in bisexual love with James Franco, but that's another story).

Milk made me grateful to all the rad activists who went before me, and showed so much bravery and grace in the face of violent ignorance. It also made me proud of my human rights work continuing the legacy. I'm still happy that Obama won: let's end the f*ing war in Iraq, save the economy and the environment by creating green jobs, and then we can get back to advancing the homosexual agenda. I would prefer to achieve this aim through feminist means rather than marriage (they don't jive for me so much), but Prop 8 totally means fight back. I look forward to seeing you all in the streets, or the bedroom.

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