Thursday, August 9, 2007


I finally uploaded most of the 150 pictures that I took on my trip to Mexico. I love photography, so there are lots of building and ruins shots, if these bore you, feel free to skip on to the next. To view my pictures, click on the link below and then click on the set called "The Yucatan".

Looking at my pictures is weird, they are such an idyllic looking version of the places I was in and are devoid of any indication of the smell and extreme heat of the context. Although I tried to plan my trip to miss the rest of gray July, someone told me it was really nice at least one week while I was gone and it's been really cold and overcast since I've been back. Poop.

Friends on the East Coast have told me they feel cranky because of the heat, which reminds me of how much easier it is to feel and act chill when the weather is neutral. However, and I never thought I would say this, I miss the hot summer sun! At least when I have access to swimming I do.

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