Thursday, January 17, 2008

Eleza is Cool

Ok, I dropped the ball on this yesterday but I want to celebrate the life and birth of my fellow Capricorn and dear friend Eleza who turned 30 on January 16. Eleza and I have been friends since we were hippy pot smoking youth in high school. We bonded over bongs in cemeteries, many viewings of When Harry Met Sally and singing loudly in the halls of BHS.

Eleza and I were really good at making up songs about ourselves. For example (to the tune of Sweet Home Alabama):

Sweet Home Alabama
Eleza and Laura are really cool!

It just kinda rolls off the tongue doesn't it? I don't know why Lynyrd Skynyrd didn't include that line in the original lyrics. The other magical thing about our connection is that Eleza's little sister, Tamara, has the same birthday as me. It's a really special family. Sadly, I won't be journeying to Western Mass for the big spa weekend, but in my mind Eleza is always naked and lying in the sauna.

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