Saturday, October 18, 2008

New Hampshire's Heart is a Battleground

Torrance and I drove to Nashua, N.H. today with two random white dudes that signed up to be in my carpool. We split a neighborhood with the dudes and somehow got every mean person on the list. After telling Tory that white women were probably in the best position to convince people about Obama, we were thoroughly abused. We got kicked off property several times and I can't get the image out of my head of the beady eyed man who slammed his door in our faces after shouting "I wouldn't vote for that guy if you held a gun to my head!" And I was even wearing a Red Sox t-shirt. It actually got so bad that we quit early and the dudes found us hiding in the woods drinking a beer out of a paper bag.

Did I mention that I have midterms this week? Sigh. On the upside, I got to stand next to Matt Kennedy while he gave us a schpiel and we avoided Kerry's speech. Woohoo.

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