Saturday, January 10, 2009

What Not To Do

How NOT to be an ally (or how to be the most inappropriate white person in a crowd):

1. Don't talk and laugh at a silent funeral procession protesting the siege on Gaza
2. Don't shout "Terrorists!" at a cop car full of barking police dogs, it may scare the innocent Muslim people around you (we're talking women and children here).
3. Don't hit other protesters with the giant cardboard coffin you are carrying

Yes, I did all those things today. I'm just glad I could do my part as another anti-racist white activist paving the road to hell with my good intentions.

1 comment:

Justin August said...

Have you been hanging out in Downtown Oakland lately too?

Next thing you know, there'll be people smashing in the window of Palestinian-owned businesses and setting the patrons' cars on fire.

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