Monday, April 6, 2009

Misery, I Call You Late Winter

Only a month left of school, no more snow, friends visiting, looking forward to Costa Rica. I should be in a good mood, right? No, I'm not! My patience has run out. I want school to be over now. I rue the day I signed up for the copyediting class. I wish I could pay someone to finish my electronic editing assignment that's due on Thursday.

The long slow dragging time between winter and spring is a f-ing killer. All my friends at school are also cranky pants, so I know it's not just me. Our collective morale is low. Come June, I will have taken a year and a half worth of credits in one year. I should feel proud of myself, right? I don't! I curse the ambition and enthusiasm that cause me to take on a giant workload. Why is it so hard for me to take it easy?

Well no more! The next year and a half of school I'm only taking classes that sound fun. Except for next fall. I've already signed up for Teaching Freshman English, which is supposed to be really hard. But after that, I swear I'm going to chill.

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