Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Kids Say

2nd Grade
both kids have some cognitive delays, but kid2 was described to me as a grumpy old man trapped in an eight year olds body (a la benjamin button).

Kid1 He can't eat milk cause hes lactose intolerant
Kid2 (angrily) It's true
Kid 1 What happens when you drink milk?
Kid 2 I don't want to talk about it--it's a toilet problem!

Child Your hair looks crazy
Me It's supposed to look that way, I did it on purpose

2nd Grade Art Class
Assignment is to create a fable. Lots of kids drew zombies, others drew comics:
Mr Hotdog took his son to the cemetery to visit grandpa hot dogs grave.
Moral: Just because your grandpa dies doesn't mean your homeless

There was once a dog named Dan and a wolf squirrel named Sissy...
Moral: Don't judge a book by it's cover

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