Monday, June 1, 2009

The Sun Is Shining

This blog is starting to read like my journal: a lot of negative complaining. So here are 10 good things about my life right now:
  1. I am in love with my new cat Special Agent Gibbs, he is an amazing creature.
  2. In two weeks I go to Provincetown to do a workshop on writing from the adolescent POV
  3. I have been making a lot of mix cds, which is really fun
  4. My family is gone and I have my room back
  5. My father called to take me to breakfast yesterday
  6. I play Lady Gaga while the kids play tag or soccer
  7. I've been going on 10 mile bike rides
  8. I got two pair of cute sunglasses
  9. I've been subbing which means I'll have more $$ than if I hadn't been subbing
  10. I danced my bum off last night wth my bff at the Diesel Prom

1 comment:

me|inda said...

hooray for amazing creatures!

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