Wednesday, June 4, 2008

A Good Day

to be an American! How often do I say that? Never. But tonight, Obama claimed the Democratic nomination--HURAAY!!!! This gives me hope, all the people who love and support his candidacy give me hope, that we are on a trajectory away from the inane madness of Bush.

An article in the New York Times magazine on Tyra Banks reported that her demographic is women 18-35 of diverse racial groups (interestingly enough, she was quoted as saying she believes she was put on earth to raise young women's self esteem--hmmm). However, according to the demographic analysis people, the generation below that is even more "color blind" and totes loves Tyra too. So she is totally set to become the new Oprah.

Anyway, I don't believe in color blindness, because although race is a construct, racism is real and has tangible effects. But I do think this country is ready for an INTELLIGENT president, and as of tonight, Barak is our man!!! I hope that he and Hill can work out their differences because I think they would be a winning ticket!

Oh, change in my lifetime feels so good.


dregina said...

It is SOOOOO exciting.

Anonymous said...

once in a lifetime...

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