Saturday, July 19, 2008

Go West Young Weasel

Except for a brief stint in Ohio, I have lived on one coast or another my entire life. But even when I was in Ohio, I never got deeper into the Mid West than Indiana. That all changed this week, I have been doing it up humid rainy style in Shytown since Wednesday.

After Philly was Ohio (via Maryland?!?) and the lovely Char and Leslie. They fed me delicious vegan food (and they're not even vegan), and spirits Char brewed herself--beer and ginger honey wine! There were fireflies and ponies, fresh eggs for sale down the road, and then we went swimming in our undies on womyn's land. Such a paradise.

Chicago is vast, like its lake. But when Abby and The Lady tried to take me to the last lesbian speakeasy we found it had been transformed into a bar which allowed men and no longer required you to buzz in. That's the 21st Century for you.

Today I visited Frank Lloyd Wright's house in Oak Park and went to see the new bat man movie while the rain came and alternately steamed us up or cooled us down. Tomorrow Beck and I leave for Iowa and points beyond. In a week from now I will be in Seattle...

1 comment:

Andy said...

I hope the weather is better when you get here. I almost lost my ears today.

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