Friday, April 11, 2008

Adult Man Jesus Day

This year I spent Easter in the park with Miles at the Hunky Jesus Contest. The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence put it on every year, and (gay) men compete to be crowned 'Hunky Jesus'. Each contestant has a theme and the first year I went, "Jewalicious Jesus" won. He had a beard and long hair and was really hot. It's a completely amazing event.

While I was eating lunch, my friend Erika sent me a text that said "Happy Adult Man Jesus Day." Well that just made no sense to us, but since San Fran is all about celebrating, we decided to record our feelings about Easter and the gays and Jesus, take a look:

If you were with us you would have seen beautiful gay bunnies:

This lady is amazing and performs in Ptown during the summer. Miles are I are so going!

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