Wednesday, April 16, 2008

F is for Family

Some hard conversations have been happening at casa de 69 lately. Yes, that is where I live, and no, I am not just being perverted, our actual apartment address is 69! But you know, we all feel inspired to live up to the seriously, this isn't about how we are an apartment of ho's (that will be another entry) this is about how much I love my house/mates.

In June, I will have lived at casa de 69 for four years. The longest I have stayed anywhere since I left my mother's house, where I lived my whole life, when I was 18. Right now I live with Julie (aka Foolie), Ethan (aka Frome) and Finn (aka bum bum). Finn is my giant cat. (That's us, minus Finn, at my bday dinner. We're pretty cute).

Anyway, I will officially vacate the premises as of August 15 and we had a house meeting earlier in the week to talk about the ugly details. Dudes, it was sad times and it still is. Foolie, Frome and I get along really well together. Our house is a refuge from the storm of crazy city life, a place where I look forward to seeing my best friends and processing my thoughts and feelings at the end of everyday. How/why on earth would I ever leave a situation like that (especially when it is rent controlled!)? For education and personal advancement/growth are the answers. Or as Ethan, with a grim face, put it when I told him I was going to Emerson "You are going to live your dreams."

But riddle me this universe, and faithful blog readers: why must doing something good for myself hurt other people? It often does and I just don't like it.

PS Before Frome lived at casa de 69, Fairley (aka Big F) and before her, Beck (aka Beck-a-ronious) took up residency in Julie and my house/hearts.

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