Friday, April 11, 2008

Save Swayze

For those of you who have become concerned about the health of Patrick Swayze (according to US Weekly, he is currently fighting a brave battle with pancreatic cancer), there is something you can do! My genius friend, Tory, is hosting a Swayze-a-thon in PDX. The goal is to watch as many Patrick Swayze movies as possible in one sitting, thus sending him lots of strength and good wishes to stay strong.

I think this is an excellent idea and I am encouraging everyone out there to organize your own Swayze showing. Although, Patrick's immobile leathery face was the worst part of the truly terrible Dirty Dancing 2: Havanna Nights (why Diego Luna? Why!) we still need to rally around him. One major dilemma I am willing to acknowledge about this proposal, besides the first Dirty Dancing and Ghost, I can't really think of any Patrick Swayze movie I have enjoyed.

I know that many of you will shout "ROADHOUSE" but guess what? I haven't seen it. I know that's wrong but it's true. However, my dear friend Tucker was lucky enough to see it before she died...this is one of my favorite stories about her.

Tucker was coming home drunk from the Lex one night with a girl, but they didn't get very far away from the bar (maybe just a few houses) before they started making out on the steps of a building. It turns out that a party was going in one of the apartments right then, and Tucker and the girl would have to stop hooking up every time people walked up or came out to have a smoke. By the time they had finished, they had made friends with a few of the party goers. So they decided to go inside the apartment to use the bathroom and freshen up (who knows what time it was at that point. Also, I think this was during the week).

In the living room were a bunch of straight hipsters sitting around drinking PBR and watching Roadhouse. They greeted Tucker and her friend warmly, clearly they had become apart of the party, and offered them a beer. Of course they accepted, it was that kind of night, and for a beautiful hour, Patrick Swayze entranced the entire room, and straight and queer hipsters co-existed peacefully in the Mission.



boston78 said...

Don't forget the power of The Outsiders.

Anonymous said...

i would very much like to watch ghost.

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