Friday, May 8, 2009


Jen didnt sleep last night and I only got a few hours, so we are not playing with a full deck, but we are here. After traveling for what felt like many days, we arrived in San José this afternoon. On the plane I realized that I forgot my bathing suit and new, green tank top. FML. Jen realized she forgot her make-up case and was equally devastated.

San Jose is not cute or charming, as I was warned, and reminds me of San Salvador where I spent a depressed semester teaching English as an undergrad. However, our time here will be brief. Tomorrow we are going on tour of the Caribbean coast with the unfortunately named Jungle Tom Safaris. And Sunday we take off for beach-yoga paradise when the rest of the homies arrive.

The good news is that our hostel is located next to an Indian food restaurant. Super random but really yummy. The bad news is a train goes by our window every twenty minutes blowing its horn as loud as possible. If I wasnt totally sleep deprived I might be worried. As it is, Im going to have another Imperial, the official beer of Costa Rica, and collapse into bed.

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