Monday, March 10, 2008

I'd Be Pissed Too

According to the cat psychic, Finn is pooping instead of spraying. It's more of a territory thing. Apparently, he can tell that I am nervous about us getting evicted because of him (not supposed to have pets) and those little turds are intended as a message to my landlord: this is Finn's place, keep out or I'll poop on you!

Also, the psychic said he is mad that he can't have sex. She didn't know if he ever had sex, and his past is a total mystery to me, but apparently he really wants to have sex and is mad he can't. Hard to blame him and I could have guessed. Ever since he tried to rape my stuffed snow leopard the first night I brought him home, it's been an uneasy thing between us.

I would have let him hump Cheetah (the leopard's name) except that he jumped on his back and was tearing at his neck with his teeth and I thought my beloved childhood stuffed animal would be ripped apart. So Cheetah lived in the closet for awhile. Now they co-exist with out any sexual aggression and Finn has moved on to pillows and sometimes me, but I guess he's is pretty pissed about the whole dissatisfying situation. Sorry, little guy.

The pet psychic said I should have a talk with him, but she had a psychic talk with him too, so I'm hoping our combined efforts will result in less turds. She said the sex thing was something that he was going to have to learn to accept in this lifetime. I love psychics.

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