Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Seriously, Again?

One of the reasons I have considered myself very fortunate these past four years living in San Francisco, is because I can walk to work. Yes, that's right New Yorkers, my "commute" is a pleasant 20+ minute stroll through the sunny Mission. It's fucking idyllic.

However, sometimes things happen on my morning jaunt that interrupt my serenity. Usually it's a big pile of feces on the ground that makes me think "That would have to be one big dog." Another thing that is not my fav is when I am walking behind someone who is smoking a j, and the weed smoke goes directly into my face/mouth/nose/lungs. Then I think "WTF? I am going to arrive at work reeking of weed and slightly high, and it won't even be on purpose!"

The first time it happened, it was a homeless guy puffing on a big fatty while slowly pushing a shopping cart up Capp Street. That time, I crossed the street. But today, it was a skinny hipster boy who I thought was just smoking a rolled cigarette at first.


He was walking rather briskly and I wondered if he had planned to smoke the joint that morning or if the urge had just overtaken him when he saw what a nice day it was out. Either way, I trailed that fool for several blocks, as he passed families with children and other law abiding citizens going about their business. I think I began to make him nervous because he started walking faster and faster and turning around occasionally. Maybe my aviator sunglasses make me look like an undercover narc?

Even though I occasionally indulge in smoking of tobacco and ganja, I hate it when people smoke walking down the street. But I do think that weed should be legal, so then people could just sit on their front stoops and get high, like I know they want to.


Andy said...

Fig made me break the law last night, but we weren't strolling.

Anonymous said...

i did. and it was glorious.

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