Saturday, November 10, 2007


Which do you think is scarier: bears or sharks?

I say sharks but my friend Travis thinks bears, but I think he is wrong and after seeing the Grizzly Man movie I have to say that I know of no human who ever made "friends" with any sharks. Sharks are clearly so much scarier.


Anonymous said...

sharks, because of the added danger element of WATER.

TravisA said...

Sharks are basically the bears of the sea. Kind of like tuna and chickens, but with huge teeth with an appetite for human flesh.

So I think it's basically a wash.

TravisA said...

Also, didn't the bear in Grizzly Man end up eating him at the end?

That just indicates that bears are much craftier and willing to lull stupid humans into a false sense of security before devouring them.

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