Friday, November 23, 2007

Is Britney Spears the New Michael Jackson?

As a treat at the end of the day, after 3pm, I allow myself to look at celebrity blogs. I try to tell myself its a mindless distraction but sometimes I dream about hanging out with celebrities (I wish I was kidding) and often find myself ruminating about their lives and problems.

Take Britney Spears for example, she is tacky and terrible right? However, she is also a tragic figure to me, just like Michael Jackson. There are many similarities between them:

1. Neither one had a normal childhood, both were performing from an early age
2. Both became rich very young
3. Both were sexualized and objectified in their teen years
4. Both have destroyed their former image:Michael as a black man, with the plastic surgery and skin pigmentation altering. Britney as a good girl, with the tacky tattoos, vajayjay flashing, and shaved head.
5. They are both exhibitionists: MJ went through a crazy crotch grabbing phase (is it over?) and Britney is constantly revealing herself in public
6. They are both scary, bad parents:Michael Jackson allegedly had children with his former wife and dental hygenist but I really don't think he is the biological father of those little toe-heads. He makes his children wear crazy masks and wraps their heads in scarves. Then there are all the sexual abuse allegations...Britney has a substance abuse issue and has had her children taken away from her.
7. Neither seem to have a grasp on consequences or cause and effect.
8. Both are unstable, I think this is obvious.

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