Sunday, November 4, 2007

Napping, Like Sisterhood, Is Powerful

Day 3 of the official convention is over and I made it through thanks to an amazingly restorative nap. Last night Travis and I watched The Office and a few episodes of the Maria Bamford show which I highly recommend, especially this episode:

So I didn't get to sleep until around 1:30am and given the bad jet lag I have been having it was a miracle I could fall asleep even then (I was aided by tranquilizers and alcohol) and I had to get up at 8am because I was organizing the Dismantling Racism training which I am happy to say went really well. But instead of listening to the attorneys continue to fight about Israel and Palestine I decided to take a nap and slept for several hours which was heavenly and allowed me to continue functioning to this late hour in the evening. Hurray, I love naps, even though they are hard for me to take because it takes a long time for me to fall asleep and sometimes I wake up really groggy.

The honorees of tonights banquet dinner were the past women presidents of the Guild which are some bad ass women. I'm glad that my important nap allowed me to enjoy such a nice night of feminist revelry.

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