Sunday, November 25, 2007

Legal Workers Unite!

When I saw Julia Roberts on the cover of Vanity Fair this month I felt very annoyed. She belongs to a class of actors who I adored in my childhood, but who began to annoy the crap out of me in my later years (Tom Hanks, Winona Ryder, and Ethan Hawke all are a part of this club). I decided to watch Erin Brockovich, the movie she won an Oscar for to decide once and for all if I think Julia Roberts is a good actor or not.

Well, I watched it last night, and I have to say, besides being a really moving and compelling story (PG&E is so sick and evil) it's a bad ass anthem for legal workers (non-attorney people who work in the legal profession) and Julia Roberts does a really good job in it. I can't even deny it or try to carry on hating her the same way anymore. That movie rocked and she did too. Also, the real Erin Brockovich should join the National Lawyers Guild.

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